I believe that any woman who has a home is a homemaker. One does not need to list "housewife" or "stay-at-home-mom" as her job description to make her house her home. If you are here, I hope you take away a tip or two to help make your house (condo, apartment...) a bit more of a home.

A Less-Stressed Christmas Series
Small Coat Closet Organization for Shoes (Part 2)
Counter Clutter: Silverware
Vertical Paper Organization
Plastic Bag Storage
Calendar Activities
Displaying Children's Artwork
Master Grocery List (blanks style)
Master Grocery List Printable (block style)
Household Binder Project Part 1
Household Binder Completed Project
Blogging Printables
Dates to Remember Printables
Coat Closet Organization (Part 1)

Homemade Laundry Detergent
Dawn and Vinegar Bathtub Cleaner (with a Secret!)
Remove Rust from Clothing
Hospitality in a Messy Home
Kid Cleaning Fun (shoes)
Dryer Lint Trap
How to Clean Brown Stains in the Dishwasher with HOMEMADE SCRUB
How to Clean Brown Dishwasher Stains the EASY WAY
My Messy Bedroom
Peeling Vegetables
Canning Jar Lid Alternative
I don't shred cheese.
Applesauce Tips with Kids
Meal Time Priorities
I Don't Do It All: Easy Meals
Freezer Organization
A Quiet Thanksgiving
I also share lots of simple, tasty RECIPES. They are usually fairly simple and use common ingredients.
Why This Simple Home?
I love to be home, and I like to keep family and home-related things rather simple. This blog keeps me mindful of housekeeping, something that does not come naturally to me. I enjoy sharing recipes and homemaking tips that work for me, and I do it here at This Simple Home and also enjoy learning from others in real life and the blogging world!
Please read more about why I created This Simple Home.
Love your tips for home making.. thank you