Readers' Favorite Recipes of 2014

It's fun to go back and look at what my readers like best. Thank you for sharing my blog posts with your friends! I appreciate it. It's thanks to your recommendations and sharing that so many people come to visit. 

My regular readers know I like to share our favorite recipes. Most of them are fairly easy and made with ingredients from your pantry or fridge. Here are the top ten recipes of 2014, based on popularity.
A couple of these were from December 2013, but I thought it was appropriate to include them here.


And a runner up just for fun...
Don't forget about the Clutter Free giveaway! Have a great weekend, friends!

~ Annette
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  1. I always feel bad for December posts because they almost never get enough posts in a year to be featured in the list, unless something crazy happens.

  2. I forgot about the peanut butter shaped hearts! Going to have to try that for V-Day.


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