Recipe Tip

Maybe you are like me and have a recipe that you use time after time, but you don't quite have it memorized. For me, it's the best chocolate chip cookie recipe. EVER.

Instead of pulling out the recipe each time I make chocolate chip cookies, I keep it in the handiest place ever.
Keep your favorite recipe taped to the inside of your cupboard door.

I keep our favorite recipe taped in the cupboard where I keep my measuring cups. It works well for me.

Where do you keep your favorite recipes? What do you bake or cook more than anything else?

~ Annette
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  1. That is SUCH a good idea! I've seen things like that with cork, or with clipboards, but your idea is MUCH easier!!

  2. I hate to admit this but my family favorite recipes are in my head. I really need to write them down to pass along to my kids. But the pinterest recipes and ones from blogs or friends I keep those in a binder in my spice cabinet. Although if I keep going collecting recipes I am going to need a bigger spice cabinet! lol Thats a great tip, it actually made me think maybe I should do a decorative thing on the inside of my spice cabinet, like paint the inside door with chalk paint or a message board and tack some in place that I know I am going to use....

  3. That is a great idea for that one recipe you use all the time. I have a soup recipe I always have to look up. Now I know how to fix that. Thanks for the idea. Cathy

  4. Great idea! I have a book and keep it in the shelf where I keep fancy dishes and cutlery but this is a lot easier than turning pages frantically lol.

  5. I usually have conversion charts on the inside of my cabinet doors but this is a great idea! Thanks!


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