The Book of Luke. Consider reading a chapter of Luke each day leading up to Christmas. With twenty-four chapters, the timing is just right as you review the history of Jesus’ life. This isn't just for Christians. Anyone who wants to understand a bit more of the history of Christmas should do read about the first Christmas when Jesus was born.
Advent Calendars. Many families enjoy using Advent calendars to count down to Christmas. They can have pictures, family activities, or even candy involved. Our Advent calendar is made of 24 tiny books that tell about the events of Jesus’ birth. (It is called The Story of ChristmasAdvent Calendar (seen below), if you are interested. It even uses some quotes which make it appropriate for anyone and not just small children. I highly recommend it.)
Jesse Tree. A Jesse Tree is a visual depiction, often combined with Scripture, of the ancestry or Jesus Christ, named for Isaiah 11:1 which says, “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.” Often ornaments are used as a reminder of each ancestor. Jesse Trees and/or ornaments can be purchased or made and hung on a Christmas tree, potted branch, or something else. I found a free printable on-line for tree-sized ornaments. I used this as a starting point and created a portable cardboard Jesse Tree for our family. See more about our homemade Jesse tree.
A Book a Day. Having young children in our home and a love of books, we have collected many Christmas books (new and used) over the past few years. Though not all of them focus on Jesus, many of them do. A pre-wrapped gift box presents a different book each day of the month. We read it and then place it in a basket for the children to revisit as they like throughout the month.
Nativity Sets. Whether you have a porcelain, felt, or plastic nativity set, if you have children yourself or if they visit your home, consider letting children handle it. We have the basic Little People Nativity set which we love for little hands. It really helps even very young children to tell the story of Jesus’ birth.
Greetings and Prayers. If sending Christmas cards is an enjoyable activity, do it! As you receive Christmas letters, photos, and cards take the time to enjoy them. Consider praying for each individual or family as you read the cards you receive and as you send them.
Christmas Devotionals and Advent Books. At this point, we are using our homemade Jesse Tree and The Story of Christmas Advent Calendar (pictured above), but if you look around you will find many books out there with a daily reading to help you (and your family) focus on the meaning of Christmas. Why Christmas is an excellent choice for families with children. This particular book has a passage of Scripture to read, review/explanation, discussion questions, terms to discuss, truth to remember and a suggestion of a song to sing-with words in the back of the book. You could even try this free Advent calendar from Focus on the Family.
Candles. Whether you place candles in your dark windows to make your home more inviting to the world outside or for yourself, lighting a candle daily is a simple way to remember Christmas. If you have an artificial tree, light a tree-scented candle so you can still have the delightful scents of Christmas. As the days get longer, I appreciate my kitchen window decorative candles.
What will you do during December to remember Christmas every day?
~ Annette {This Simple Mom}
Photo Christmas Card Alternatives: What to do when you cannot get a nice picture of your family.
Preparing Christmas Cards: Several ideas to prepare now for Christmas cards without actually putting them together yet.
Alternative Gift Giving: Give more time of yourself and experiences instead of more "stuff."
Christmas Gift Planning: Plan now for giving later.
Children's Christmas Letter Printable: Use a simple form letter to find out what the children really want for Christmas this year.
9 Ways to Celebrate Christmas Daily in December: A variety of ways to remember Christmas every day as an adult or with family.
10 Best Children's Christmas Books: Our favorite Christmas books, and we have a lot to choose from.
Would you join this Christmas journey with me? See all of the Less-Stressed Christmas posts.
It HAS been hard to keep it a daily part of the routine. I have an advent calendar going and the "book program" in full swing - still a hit - but I feel like we're barely keeping up!