Preparing for a Little House Birthday Birthday Party

If you read here regularly, you know that we, my oldest daughter especially, enjoys the Little House on the Prairie books.  Read to the end for the giveaway!

In fact, we are having a Little House birthday party for her sixth birthday this month.  I already showed readers the Little House party invitation.  Today I thought I'd share some basic plans for Little House activities we'll do at her party related to the picture book Winter Days in the Big Woods.  (I will share more activities in a wrap-up post after the celebration.)

I actually already had all of these ideas, listed below, in mind for Big Sister's birthday party.  I just wasn't sure which Little House picture book we would read during the party.  Because, really, it would be silly to have a book-related party and not read any books, right??  We borrowed many Little House picture books from the library for the party, knowing some could be browsed by the guests if there was time, and that I would read aloud to the little pioneers from one as well.

Winter Days in the Big WoodsWinter Days in the Big Woods is the perfect book for reading aloud during the party!  Why?  Because we will...

  • Make butter.  We will place heavy whipping cream in a jar with a clean marble and a tad bit of salt.  Then we'll shake it while playing to create our own homemade butter.
  • Collect garden vegetables in our aprons.  The guests will be given homemade aprons, providing my sewing machine cooperates.  I'll scatter some vegetables in a "garden," and ask the guests to collect them.  We may turn it into a race, but it may be fun to just load up the aprons.
  • Wash clothes using a washboard.  The book mentions the song that helped Laura and her family identify which day of the week the work belonged to.  They washed on Monday.
  • Eat homemade bread.  Homemade bread will be provided for sandwiches and to enjoy the butter!
  • Enjoy fiddle music.  Pa often took out his fiddle at night to sing to the family.  We will enjoy some fiddle music, too.

Another activity related to this book is paper dolls.  Though we have some, we have enough other activities planned that I am passing on the paper dolls.

For years I have used our library to introduce my children to the Ingalls family.  We have listened to the audio books many times.  We have borrowed the picture books.  Now that my nearly six year old can read fairly well, she is getting her own nine-book set for her birthday!  I actually purchased the set when I was expecting her, hoping-not knowing-I would have a daughter to share them with some day.  I have to say, my nearly four year old son also enjoys Little House, too!

(My feeling is that if you introduce YOUNG boys to a variety of books with a good story, they will embrace male and female characters for a longer period of time.)

More Little House Party Ideas
Little House Birthday Party 
Little House Party Invitation
Little House Book Activities
Little House Dress, Apron, and Bonnet
Little House Mercantile Store
Felt Costume Braids
Little House Birthday Party Food

I am excited to tell you that HarperCollins Children's Books is bringing our party to you!  We have two giveaways for you!
GIVEAWAY!  Winners are Shannon #41, for the 9 book set and Jenny, #45, for the two picture books.
 Pick ONE.
A) Little House Nine-Book Set!  One winner will receive the complete set by Laura Ingalls Wilder!
B) Winter Days in the Big Woods and A Little House Birthday.  One winner will receive these two picture books.

To enter, please leave a comment below telling me which set you would prefer or if you would enjoy either!  Winner must be a US resident.  Be sure I have a way to contact you through email!

Extra Entries
~ Follow This Simple Home through email, RSS feed, GFC, Facebook, or Twitter (see sidebar).  Leave a separate comment for each way you follow.  (Be sure to let me know if you follow under a different name.)
~ Share about this giveaway and leave a link in a comment!

Giveaway will run through Monday, October 29th.  Winners will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond. will help to choose the winners.  This is open to residents in the United States.  Thanks for entering!

Thank you so much, HarperCollins Children's Books for providing this great giveaway for my readers!  

~ Annette {This Simple Mom}


  1. You are so right! I've been hoping for a little girl to share these kinds of things with, but my little boys just might enjoy them too! :) I'd love to enter for the 9 book set. I've been trying to pick them up as I find them used, but I think I've only found 3(maybe 4) so far.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  2. I shared on Twitter.

  3. Oh. Oh. Oh. What birthday FUN! :D I own the little house series, but my set doesn't match and is quite used so I think I would probably go with the set. Although both options for your giveaway sound FUN! (Yes, I'd probably go with the set.)

    readingtoknow (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. I like this so much that I might do it for my own birthday! My daughter and I both love the books. We would enjoy the set of books together. I can't wait to hear how the party turns out.

  5. What a great idea for a party! I would love to win the nine book set. shellreb(at)comcast(dot)net

  6. Christie ( 10, 2012 at 9:42 PM

    The 9 book set please! We love these types of books for dinner time reading for our three boys. One book will be about a boy, a bear, adn the Alaskan wilderness and the next will be about an orphan girl, a hidden cottage, and her won flower garden, I agree that is it good to mix it up and they should enjoy al kinds of characters if it is a good story, especially at a younger age. Thanks!

  7. Christie ( 10, 2012 at 9:42 PM

    I follow you on FB.

  8. Christie ( 10, 2012 at 9:43 PM

    As I posted on the other givaway "we" follow you via Google Reader.

  9. Christie ( 10, 2012 at 9:44 PM

    I don't use twitter so I will leave tha up to my hubby!

  10. I would love the set of 2 books for my grandkids! Thanks:)

  11. I would love the 9 book set to read with my daughters...thank you for the giveaway and the blog!
    artandjen at juno dot com

  12. I would love to win the box set! What a fun party you have planned. Hope it's a very special day.

  13. I would love the picture books as I already have the box set! :)
    janicelynnrichardson at gmail

  14. Chirped: RE

  15. Our daughters (ages 9 & 11) would love the 9 book set!

    bamagv at aol dot com

  16. New GF follower

    bamagv at aol dot com

  17. New FB follower

    bamagv at aol dot com

  18. New Twitter follower (@TheJohnsFamily)

    bamagv at aol dot com

  19. I'd prefer the 9-book set! marthalynn16 at gmail

  20. I'm subscribed to your emails as acluisi at hotmail

  21. I follow your RSS through Google reader. marthalynn16 at gmail

  22. I follow you via GFC. marthalynn16 at gmail

  23. Please enter us for the 9 book set, Annette! =)

  24. I want to read all the little house books to my kids ( the nine book set please) so I'd love to win. Thanks! Shannonhowl at yahoo dot com

  25. I subscribe to your rss feed. Shannonhowl at yahoo dot com.

  26. I would pick the picture books because I believe we have all of the series. :)

  27. I blogged about your giveaway!

  28. I'm now following you via GFC, although I have no idea why I wasn't already. ??? That's weird.

  29. The 9 book set would be great. I have one of the picture books already. Love these. Your party sounds so fun.

  30. Tweeted giveaway. @cclassicalchaos

  31. I prefer option B: Winter Days in the Big Woods and A Little House Birthday.


  32. I follow you via gfc. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com


  33. I subscribe to your email. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

  34. tweet link.

  35. I would be over the moon to have either one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. Shared about the Giveaway on Facebook!

  37. I would love to win the 9 book set!! We've already read Big Woods & Farmer Boy, but it would be great to own them all instead of checking them out from the library.

  38. I will now get your emails as well...looking forward to it =)

  39. We have to pick! My daughters are enjoying the books but boy would they enjoy a birthday party. My 7 year old wanted a wash board for her birthday this year. She got it! We would enjoy either prize.

    Also, follow on FB.

  41. I would love to have the Little House Books for my future classroom!

  42. I would LOVE to win the books for my future classroom!

  43. I would love either, but I prefer the set of 9 chapter books.

    urchiken at gmail dot com


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