Together on Tuesday {Summer Wrap-Up and Fall Plans}

Wow!  Summer is nearing to an end with September just around the corner!  Today, our final day for Together on Tuesdays, we are talking about what we did this summer and/or what our fall plans are.

Dorie and I have really enjoyed hosting Together on Tuesdays!  Some of you have let us know that you would have liked to participate more, but haven't been able to.  That's okay!  We are glad that you were able to read and get to know us a bit more and share about yourself when you were able!  Maybe today you will be able to share some highlights of your summer or plans for the autumn!  If so, just link up here or at These Grace Filled Days.

During the summer our family...
worked together
 refreshed ourselves
visited Grandmas and Grandpas
(and stayed on the farm)
vacationed with four generations in NC
enjoyed family camp-even the rain
Our summer was filled with fun and family, the way it should be!  
(I will look forward to a less busy summer next year, though-I hope.)

Big Sister also played tee ball.  Both Brother and Big Sister had two weeks of swim lessons for the first time ever.  One more special part to our summer was that we read lots of chapter books together and Big Sister began to read real chapter books!
We are filled with anticipation of the fall.  Big Sister will begin kindergarten and Brother will begin preschool.  Little Sister and I can't wait for some morning walks together!  We are counting down to school now.  Big Sister is finally old enough to play flag football with our Upward sports ministry at church, and her daddy will be her coach.   OH...and all three kids will have their birthdays in October!

We are so excited for cooler days, less humidity, and changes!
So how about you?  What did you do this summer?  What are you anticipating this fall?  

Thank you so much for joining us for Together on Tuesdays!  Happy fall to you!  

~ Annette {This Simple Mom}


  1. Oh, look at your beautiful growing family! What a joy to see, Annette ~

  2. What are these cooler days you're talking about? I won't see those for another couple of months, at least.

    1. Well...every once in a while we'll have cooler temperatures...and hopefully in September our night time temps will drop below 70 every night. I know...I've got nothing to complain about, huh?!

  3. Annette, loved all the pics - especially the one of the babe in the water! Hoping your fall is just as wonderful as your summer was! And, I'm looking forward to watching those football games. Maybe our two kindergartners will be on the same team? Wouldn't that be fun for them!

  4. Sounds and looks like fun! We really didn't do much out of the ordinary until last week when my oldest son was home for a week for his birthday.

    My youngest starts college next week, but will be living at home, thankfully. But it will be different, I'm sure, especially as it is a state community college and he has always been in Christian schools. I'm nervous, but the fact that he is living at home rather than the dorms should help.

  5. Yup, I fell down on this one. But I HAVE enjoyed reading your posts!

    I love that you list "dreamed" as one of your summertime activities. I think it's really important that we take time out to dream a bit every now and again. It's inspirational. ;)

    You made great use of your summer! Here's to fall! (I started the process of changing the kids wardrobes out today. In some ways, it feels too soon!)


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