Favorite Five #20

Last weekend was a lot of fun for our family...and the week has gone well, too!  Lots of blessings...

1. Strawberries.  Picking strawberries as a family and making strawberry freezer jam for our family and as gifts.  The teachers really appreciated it, too!

2.  Many Hands.  Saturday morning while Little Sis napped the rest of us filled the wagon and wheelbarrow with cut grass from our yard.  (The cuttings were just getting worse and worse, and we have an acre of land...)  It was a very enjoyable time while we worked together.
3. The First Fire.  Saturday night we also had our first fire of the season.  We have a portable fire pit that we enjoy every so often during the summer months.  We had our first s'mores and Little Sis had her first graham cracker.  (She took it from my hand and ate the entire thing...or at least what was not on her face, her clothing, and me.)

4. My Mother's Day Gift.  I am enjoying my Kindle Fire, but for reasons you might not suspect.  You can read the full story here.

5. Friends' Visits.  I invite friends over somewhat regularly during the day, and occasionally (not often!) we have friends over at night or the weekends.  This week two friends visited during the day and a friend of my husband's was able to come for dinner.  It was especially nice to see my husband's friend...first time since 2002!

How was your week?  Come share the good stuff over at Living to Tell the Story.
~ Annette {This Simple Mom}


  1. I'm sure you will love the Kindle Fire. I've borrowed my son's Kindle for reading and found it easy to handle--the best part being that I can knit AND read because I don't have to hold the page open.
    When I first read 'first fire', I thought, "Oh, no! How can that be a fave?" Out here in SoCal 'first fire of the season' is NOT a good thing. Then I read on and realized you meant a little campfire. :)
    I'm glad you had a great week.

  2. That sounds like a lovely week. I wish we had a fire pit. Enjoy!

  3. Annette, We can have the portable camping fire pit which are raised off the ground. And chimineas are popular. Along the beach the campgrounds have firepits but inland campfires are not allowed for the obvious reason. This year we had late rain which gave us abundant growth so our fire danger will be even higher this fall. Just one of the hazards of living here. But at least we don't get tornados.

  4. Doing something like bagging cuttings together makes it fun! Love your picture. We have a fire pit, but it's already way too hot here for it. I like it to be cool when we use it...and that's not often in S. Florida!

    I love my Kindle Fire, too, and I don't write on it. I do read some on mine, but I use it alot like you do, it seems. (Hey -- do you know about the Amazon Kindle free app of the day? You need to!) Have a great week.

  5. Connecting with friends you haven't seen in awhile is really fun.

    I would love a fire pit. Something about sitting around a fire roasting marshmallows and talking is just so peaceful.

  6. My husband has a Kindle Fire but I haven't really looked at it. He enjoys it a lot, though. He had gotten me an HP Touchpad when they announced they weren't going to make them any more and had some good deals on them. It has a Kindle app on it, so I can download free books from Amazon on it. Like you, I prefer "real" books, but it's nice taking this on a trip with several books loaded onto it without having to pack several books.

    The love and thought behind your gift were the best part, though. :-)

    I'm really wanting to get a fire pit for our back yard, and some decent patio furniture. We have an old table and two lawn chairs out there now.

    It's so nice to get together with friends!

    1. I forgot today, one thing my husband loves to do with his Kindle Fire is watch old Star Trek episodes on it. :-)

  7. Love the picture and working together! My oldest turned 9 yesterday and mowing the grass has officially become his job for this summer. Daddy still does the trimmer but the mower is all his.

    We love strawberry picking and go every year in June. In fact I need to find out how strawberries are doing and where we'll pick this year. I've blogged about our strawberry picking tradition and some great books to go along with it - especially our favorite - The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear. (http://stephaniesmommybrain.blogspot.com/2010/06/strawberry-picking-childrens-books.html)

  8. We just got a fire pit for out backyard, so you've inspired me to plan some "smore-making" for the boys!

    It sounds like y'all had a fun week!


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