From the Bookshelf

I am really trying to enjoy my reading these days AND do more of it!  This year, I am determined to read more from my own bookshelf.  I thought it would be helpful to me if I made a list of the books I want to read that are just whispering to me, "Pick me!  Please read me!"  Each one is already on my bookshelf or somewhere in my home.  (There are plenty others that are recommended to me that I do not own that already are on my wish-list!  I am still accepting a few books for review purposes as well as reading with the Reading to Know Book Club.  Did I mention that I am not a fast reader?)
Children's Chapter Books
Little Men, by Louisa May Alcott
*The Faceless Friend, by Howard Whitehouse (I loved book 1 in this series!)
*Caddie Woodlawn, by Carol Ryrie Brink  Finished this and highly recommend it!
Misty of Chincoteague, by Marguerite Henry
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Yong Girl

With my daughter
*The Trees Kneel at Christmas, by Maud Hart Lovelace (a borrowed book)
Betsy-Tacy and Tib, by Maud Hart Lovelace
Stewart Little, by E.B. White

Adult Fiction
*Where Two Ways Met, by Grace Livingston Hill (This is also a borrowed book.  I also have about 20 other GLH books I would like to read that are not borrowed.)
*# Pioneer Girl manuscript, by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Crimson Cipher, by Susan Page Davis
Pat of Silverbush, by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Adult Non-Fiction
*Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women,by Harriet Reisen
Esther, by Charles Swindoll
*The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom, by Slavomir Rawicz (also borrowed)
Bringing Up Boys, by James Dobson
Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible, by Liz Curtis Higgs
Heaven is for Real, by Todd Burpo
The Life Ready Woman, by Feldhahn and Lewis
Blue Like Play Dough, by Tricia Goyer
Have a New Kid by Friday, by Kevin Leman

Do you have any opinions on any of these books...good or bad?  I'd love to hear them!

* Indicates books that I would like to complete sooner than later...Included in those * are a few books I already began, too.
# Did you notice this?  My cousin offered me the Pioneer Girl manuscript which eventually became Little House in the Big Woods!  It's complete with LIW's typos and errors.  I placed this in the adult fiction catergory since my lovely cousin warned me of some realistic situation that are not child-appropriate.  I am SO excited to have this, and it just arrived this past weekend.

I'm including all of the starred titles above as part of my Spring Reading Thing reading challenge.  Basically, the starred books are the ones that I hope to complete between now and June know, spring!

So what's on your bookshelf just waiting for you to read it?


  1. Ah, I knew you'd like Caddie Woodlawn :-) It is such a good book. What a listing of books to read! I may just try this spring reading challenge. It looks like fun.

  2. I LOVED Caddie Woodlawn as a kid, there is a sequel to it as well.

    Let's see......... Bringing Up Boys, I do vaguely remember reading and enjoying. I've heard good things about many of the books on your Non-fiction list. I don't remember if I've read all of Little Men or not.

  3. I haven't read anything on your adult list - I hope you enjoying working your way through them.

  4. Great list! Very intrigued by Pioneer Girl, how cool! Good luck with your challenge!

  5. What an interesting list - a bit of everything. Enjoy your reading!

  6. I hear you about wanting to read more books off the bookshelf and therefore accepting fewer for review. (I'm actually starting to loathe reading review copies right about now. It's not what I WANTED to read. But it works, for now! However, I am starting Pippi Longstocking TODAY, thanks to you! It's like a breathe of fresh air and a sigh of relief - because it's mine! Thank you!!)

    I LOVED Caddie Woodlawn growing up. There's a sequel called Magic Melons if you haven't heard of it. Love, love, love them!

    Tim Challies posted a review on Heaven is For Real which made me want to avoid it. I'll be curious to hear your thoughts on that one!

  7. Great List. Many of those are on my "list" also.

    @Carrie, "Heaven Is For Real" was on my list also, but I just read the review you are talking about. Now I am not so sure if I want to waste my time.
    Here is a link to the review in case anyone else wants to read it.

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  10. I've been SO suspicious of Heaven is For Real that I haven't been able to pick it up, despite lots of recommendations (from Facebook). :P I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it, though. I'm very curious to hear your thoughts on several of these! :)

    I have Bringing Up Boys, Misty, and the Whitehouse books waiting, too.

    Great list!

  11. I see two of my choices for my list right on your top shelf! :v)

    Enjoy that manuscript! Trying not to be jealous. ;v)

  12. Misty of Chincoteauge was a great book! I still remember it from when I was younger. And I really like the Besty-Tacy, Tib books! Heaven is for Real is also a really good read! Happy Spring! Have fun reading! :)

  13. That is a great idea. I tend to gravitate more toward fiction and biographies, so I've got some great nonfiction that has been sitting there for ages.

    Love Little Men. I wasn't crazy about Caddie Woodlawn but it has one of my favorite quotes about womanhood.

    I'm distrustful of Heaven Is For Real as well.

    I've heard that series by Swindoll is great but I've never read it.

    I am so looking forward to hearing what you think about Pioneer Girl!

  14. I have Caddie Woodlawn on a bookshelf somewhere, but I've never read it. It would be a quick read; I may have to try it now that I see all these raving comments.

    I've been wanting to pick up one of Higgs "Bad Girl" books but haven't yet. They look pretty interesting, though.

    I'm also a bit suspicious about Heaven is For Real. I'm curious, but guarded.

    Pioneer Girl sounds so interesting. That's probably the only time I wouldn't mind reading typos. :)

    Happy spring reading!

  15. Great list! Bringing Up Boys and New Kid by Friday may end up on my list. I have had Heaven is for Real on my TBR list for a VERY long time. I can't bring myself to open it just yet. :( Happy Reading!


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